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String of Coins Plant Care — Your Complete Guide

String of Coins Plant Care — Your Complete Guide

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If you are looking for a very unique succulent, the String of Coins is a great choice. This unusual plant looks stunning as a spiller in a hanging basket.

It also pairs well with other succulents in an indoor cactus garden.

硬币的字符串命名它的叶子的沙pe, which are round and resemble a coin. The leaves grow symmetrically on long trailing stems, giving it the name String of Coins.

The foliage has a very attractive blue-green to silver-green hue. Small clusters of yellow-green flowers may appear in spring.

I was thrilled to find this plant at my local nursery and it has become a focal point on my enclosed patio.

The official name is Xerosicyos danguyi, and the plant is native to the cliff-filled regions of south-eastern Madagascar.

If you treat String of Coins as a succulent and give it the correct conditions, it will grow happily in your home with minimal fuss and bother.

Here is a full guide on how to care for your String of Coins.

String of Coins Plant Care

The String of Coins grows in well-draining, slightly acidic, succulent, or cactus soil. It requires a warm position with ideal temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) and at least 6 to 8 hours of bright light or partial sunlight per day. Low to average humidity is best. Water sparingly.

String of Coins Plant Care

String of Coins Plant Care


The String of Coins grows naturally in well-draining soil that easily dries out after watering. It is susceptible to damp soil, with the roots rotting if they remain wet. It grows well in soils with a 6.0-6.5 pH reading. A ready-made or home-made succulent or cactus mix is ideal.

The String of Coins is a succulent and as such, it prefers very well-draining soil. It will not thrive well in soil that remains damp as the roots rot then eventually die.

I chose a ready-made cactus mix from my local nursery for my plant. A cactus mix contains a combination of clay, sand, and silt in a ratio of 20%, 40%, 40%.

Using of all-purpose potting soil for the String of Coins isn’t recommended. It requires loose, very well-aerated soil that dries out between watering sessions.

The String of Coins likes slightly acidic soil. Measure your soil with a home pH testing kit and check for a reading of 6.0 to 6.5.

pH indicator strips help ensure that the soil you'll plant the String of Coins into is slightly acidic

pH indicator strips help ensure that the soil you’ll plant the String of Coins into is slightly acidic


The String of Coins enjoys light and sun with at least 6-8 hours of indirect or direct light daily. It will tolerate partial and full sunlight. South-facing rooms are ideal. North-facing rooms will be too dark and cold. This plant won’t grow in shady spots.

If you have a bright sunny room, String of Coins will be the perfect plant. It loves sunlight.

The String of Coins requires at least6-8 hours of daily exposure to indirect or direct light. They can tolerate partial sunlight and are also happy in direct sunlight.

Their natural habitat is hot and dry and sunny! So you need sun.

Place your plant on a windowsill or near a window in a south-facing roomand it will flourish.


The String of Coins is drought tolerant and can survive with even minimal water. Use the soak-and-dry watering method, wherein you thoroughly soak the soil and allow it to completely dry before watering again. Ensure that your soil does not remain damp. Water infrequently during the winter months.

The high cliffs of Madagascar are home to String of Coins. In these areas, the soil is loose and sandy that doesn’t retain water.

The String of Coins belongs to the succulent family and can survive on very little water.

Your soil must be very well-draining. When you water, use the soak-and-dry method – give your plant a good drenching and allow the water to run out of the pot via the drainage holes at the base.

If the water does not drain out of your pot, theroots will rotand your plant will die.

Until the soil’s completely dry, don’t water the String of Coins again. Water in spring and summer and keep it dry in winter.


The String of Coins can survive in a range of temperatures from 20°F to over 90°F (-6°C to 32°C). The ideal temperature range is 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Although it can tolerate some frost, it is best to protect it from exposure to frost. It will tolerate heat up to 104°F (40°C).

The String of Coins enjoys dry and hot climates. In the USA, your plant will do fine in 9b-11b USDA hardiness zones.

It is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures and can survive in temperatures from 20°F to over 90°F (-6°C to 32°C). The ideal temperature range is 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C).

Your average home is ideal for the String of Coins.

Althoughit can tolerate some frost and lower temperatures, it is best to protect your plant from exposure to frost. Being a succulent, it will tolerate occasional heat up to 104°F (40°C).


The String of Coins prefers low to moderate humidity as its natural habitat is dry and hot. Do not place your plant in warm damp rooms or near humidifiers. An average home with a humidity of around 40% to 50% is ideal. If your region is very humid, you could consider installing a dehumidifier.

The String of Coins does best in conditions of low to average humidity. This plant detests being in a room that’s damp or very humid.

An average home with a humidity of 40% to 50% will be suitable for your plant.

If you live in a very humid region, you could consider installing a dehumidifier to dry out the air. Open windows when possible so that your String of Coins plant receives adequate airflow.

Installing a dehumidifier or opening the windows of the room where the String of Coins is placed helps dry out the air

Installing a dehumidifier or opening the windows of the room where the String of Coins is placed helps dry out the air

Many indoor gardeners run humidifiers for increasing the air moisture for tropical plants. Make sure that your String of Coins does not live in this environment – it will not be happy.


The String of Coins is a hardy plant and does not require fertilizing, if you want to fertilize, do it once in the summer months. Use a balanced and water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the strength. Do not fertilize in winter.

These plants do not require fertilizer. If you enjoy fertilizing your plants, you can give them a boost once during the summer months.

Do not fertilize in winter. Use a balanced and water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength.

Water-soluble fertilizers give your plants an instant boost of nutrients. Pour the fertilizer onto the soil, taking care not to splash the plant.

Fertilizers poured directly onto the plant will damage leaves, stems, and flowers.

I always look for a natural organic mix when buying ready-made fertilizer. I prefer to stay away from chemical mixes whenever I can.


硬币的弦长到8英寸的高度(20cm) and a spread of 8 inches (20cm). It offers long tendrils that can reach lengths of 17 inches (45cm). The leaves are a round coin shape and have a silvery-green to blue-green color. Small yellow-green flowers may be produced in spring.

This unusual plant can grow to a height of 8 inches (20cm) or more, with a spread of 8 inches (20cm) or more. It offers long trailing vine-like tendrils that reach lengths of 17 inches (45cm).

The String of Coins is ideal to plant as a spiller in a pot or to use in a hanging basket.

If your plant is growing outdoors, it will grow as a scrambling vine and will get much bigger, reaching a size of 12 to 16 feet (3.6m to 4.8m) high and 4 to 6 feet (1.2m to 1.8m) wide.

The plant is named for the shape of the leaves that resemble round coins on a long string. The leaves are a lovely silvery-green to blue-green color and can grow to a size of 1 to 2 inches (2.5cm to 5cm).

Being a succulent, the leaves don’t drop in winter, making this an attractive plant to maintain interest in your indoor garden or on a patio.

In spring, you may get a show of small insignificant yellow-green flowers followed by very small fruits.

The plant has a moderate growth rate at first but growth speeds up once it is established. You may have torepot the String of Coins once a yearif the plant becomes rootbound.


Plant your String of Coins into very well-draining, sandy soil. A cactus or succulent mix is best for your String of Coins. Ensure that your pot has drainage holes. Once it becomes rootbound, repot it in spring. Do not use all-purpose potting soil as it is too moist and rich.

The String of Coins does best in a hanging basket or a small pot where the stems can trail downwards.

Choose a succulent or cactus mix. To ensure that the water manages to flow out freely from the pot, Place some gravel at the pot’s base.

Put gravel in the pot before placing cactus mix and planting the String of Coins in it to ensure proper water drainage

Put gravel in the pot before placing cactus mix and planting the String of Coins in it to ensure proper water drainage

Place your plant carefully into a hole in the middle of the pot. Close up the hole with sand.

Drench your plant and allow the water to drain out. Until you’re certain that the soil’s dry, don’t water the plant again.

你可以报告如果你看到pl在春天ant has become rootbound or if you want to replenish your plant with fresh soil.

Use a pot that’s around 3 inches (7.6cm) larger than the current one you’re using. Prepare your new pot with gravel and cactus mix.

Carefully remove the String of Coins from its current pot. Shake off excess soil.

Check for any damaged roots and snip them off. Replant into your new pot.


The String of Coins may get leggy or untidy as the branches grow long. Lightly prune trailing branches to maintain a neat shape. Snip off branches that are damaged or broken. In general, this plant requires minimal maintenance.

Your String of Coins needs very little maintenance. If the trailing branches are becoming too long and scraggly, you can trim them off with a small cutter.

Check for branches that may be broken or diseased and trim them off to prevent the rest of the plant from becoming infected.

String of Coins In-depth Propagation Guide

The String of Coins can be propagated from stem cuttings or seeds. This may sound daunting to a new gardener, but it is really easy to do.

Why not give it a try?

Propagate Strings of Coins by Stem Cuttings

  • The best time to do this is in spring
  • Sterilize a small cutting tool
  • Snip off a healthy stem to a length of 4 inches (10cm)
  • Carefully place the cutting into a dry container
  • Leave it in a warm spot
  • You will notice that after a few weeks a callus will form over the cut surface
  • Check that the callus has healed and is dried out
  • Prepare your pot with a well-draining soil mix and water lightly
  • Place your cutting into the soil and anchor if necessary to hold it upright
  • Stand in a warm spot with lots of sunshine

Propagate Strings of Coins by Seed

  • Collect seeds from your plant
  • The seeds are round and black and are found in the small fruits of the adult plant
  • Prepare seed trays with soil and organic matter
  • Water well
  • Place the seeds into the trays
  • Prepare a few trays as not all the seeds with grow
  • Keep your seedlings in a room with an average temperature of 69°F (21°C)
  • String of Coins seeds germinate within the 14-21 day period
  • Wait until they are at least 1 to 2 inches (2.5cm to 5cm) tall
  • Prepare your new containers with cactus mix and water lightly
  • Carefully remove the new plants and replant in your containers
  • Place them in their permanent home

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Common Problems with Strings of Coins

1. Pest Control

This plant is not susceptible to pests. They mayoccasionally be attacked by scale insects.

Use rubbing alcohol and a small cloth and rub directly onto the scale insects.

This will kill them and you can then remove the scales gently by rubbing with a dry cloth, by hand, or by picking them off with tweezers.

2. Root Rot

The most common reason behind root rot in your String of Coins is overwatering. This plant requires minimal water.

Ensure that you only water when your soil is dry. If your roots are rotting, remove the plant from its container, trim off the bad roots, and replant it into a new pot with dry soil.

3. Plant Starts Drooping

This is another sign of over-watering. If you examine your roots you will probably find that they are rotting as a result of standing in soil that is too moist.

4. Fungal Growth Appears on Leaves

If your humidity is too high, you may encourage the growth of fungus on your plant. Ensure that your room has low, dry humidity.

Septoria lycopersici, the fungus attacking your String of Coins, lives on decaying soil or plant debris.

Remove the damaged leaves to prevent the fungus’ spread. Replant into a pot with clean soil.

Tips to Grow String of Coins Problem-free

  • Plant in a succulent or cactus mix
  • It does better in soil that is slightly acidic
  • Ensure at least 6 to 8 hours of bright light per day
  • Only water when your soil is dry
  • Ensure that your plant has a spot with temperatures between 65℉ to 85℉ (18°C to 29°C)
  • Humidity must be low to average
  • Fertilize sparingly, and only once in the summer
  • Do not over-water

Frequently Asked Questions about String of Coins Plant Care

Is the String of Coins a toxic plant?

The String of Coins is not a toxic plant. This is a great decorative plant and safe for a home with children or pets.

Is it easy to care for String of Coins?

The String of Coins plant requires minimal maintenance and has low water requirements. It is ideal for a beginner gardener.


I love my String of Coins plant. With its round-shaped leaves and long trailing stems, it creates a great focal point in a hanging basket.

It is also so easy to care for and can be neglected for a while without suffering any adverse harm.

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